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Cele mai recente actualizări: 2024-09-05 22:46

Nume Țara
Nume, Pos. Freq/Pol SR, FEC Encriptare SID Video Audio Ultima actualizare
G TV HD Pakistan
Paksat 1R (38.0°E) 4005.00 H 3462 3/4 Necodat 257 257 258 aac urd  2019-06-01
Gabon 24 Gabon
Eutelsat 3B (3.0°E) 4024.00 L 2500 5/6 Necodat 1 101 102 fra  2023-08-14
Gabon Television Gabon
SES 4 (22.0°W) 4044.00 L 3360 3/4 Necodat 1 259 258 aac fra
260 aac 
  Galaxy nedefinit
Amos 3 (4.0°W) 10723.00 V 30000 3/4 Conax 1125 64 53 hun  2023-02-05
Galaxy 4 Ungaria
Thor 5 (0.8°W) 12130.00 H 28000 7/8 Necodat 2710 601 834 hun  2023-09-19
Astra 3B (23.5°E) 12090.00 V 29900 3/4 Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
Viaccess 5.0
799 7581 7582 hun  2024-07-04
Gali Kurdistan TV Irak
Eutelsat 7 West A (7.0°W) 11564.49 H 27500 3/4 Necodat 6010 6012 6013 kur  2024-05-07
Galicia TV HD Spania
Astra 1L (19.2°E) 11376.50 V 22000 2/3 Necodat 6385 1701 1702 esp  2023-12-08
  Gallero Soy Republica Dominicană
SES-6 (40.5°W) 3710.00 L 8330 3/4 DVB Scrambling 6 41 42 esp  2022-09-12
Galychyna HD Ucraina
Astra 4A (4.8°E) 11747.00 V 30000 3/4 Necodat 7640 7641 7642  2024-01-03
  Gambero Rosso HD Italia
Hot Bird 13F (13.0°E) 11996.00 V 29900 5/6 VideoGuard 12228 162 404 ita
405 eng 
Game One HD Franța
Astra 1M (19.2°E) 12090.00 V 29700 2/3 Nagravision 3
Viaccess 4.0
9415 1510 1521 fra  2023-09-01
  Gametoon nedefinit
Eutelsat 7 West A (7.0°W) 11526.13 H 27500 5/6 Viaccess 6.0 302 3021 3022 eng  2024-04-15
Hot Bird 13G (13.0°E) 11240.00 V 27500 5/6 Viaccess 6.0 102 1021 1022 eng  2024-04-19
Gametoon HD nedefinit
Intelsat 38 (45.0°E) 12520.00 V 30000 5/6 Irdeto 2
124 1224 1324 aac eng  2020-05-12
BulgariaSat (1.9°E) 12169.00 V 30000 2/3 BulCrypt 544 1720 1721 eng  2021-05-02
Eutelsat 16A (16.0°E) 11283.00 V 30000 2/3 Conax 2705 3401 3402 eng  2019-08-28
Yahsat 1A (52.5°E) 12054.00 H 27500 3/5 Conax 807 8071 8072 eng  2024-02-12
Hot Bird 13F (13.0°E) 12616.00 H 30000 5/6 Irdeto 2
124 1224 1324 aac eng  2024-04-01
  GayBoys Live Germania
Astra 1N (19.2°E) 12633.25 H 22000 5/6 Necodat 12612 212 312 ger  2018-12-26
GB News HD Marea Britanie
Astra 2G (28.2°E) 11670.75 H 23000 2/3 Necodat 50241 2305 2306 eng  2023-11-08
GDS TV Georgia
Azerspace-1 (46.0°E) 11095.00 H 30000 5/6 Necodat 4 1040 1041 geo  2024-02-28
GEM Academy nedefinit
Yahsat 1A (52.5°E) 11881.00 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 26 2610 2620  2023-04-15
GEM Arabia nedefinit
Yahsat 1A (52.5°E) 11881.00 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 24 2410 2420  2023-04-11
GEM Az nedefinit
Yahsat 1A (52.5°E) 11881.00 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 29 2910 2920  2023-04-11
GEM Bollywood nedefinit
Yahsat 1A (52.5°E) 11881.00 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 19 1910 1920  2023-04-11
GEM Classic Marea Britanie
Yahsat 1A (52.5°E) 11881.00 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 20 2010 2020  2023-04-11
GEM Drama nedefinit
Yahsat 1A (52.5°E) 11881.00 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 34 2710 2720  2023-04-11
GEM Film nedefinit
Yahsat 1A (52.5°E) 11881.00 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 30 3010 3020  2023-04-11
GEM Fit nedefinit
Yahsat 1A (52.5°E) 11881.00 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 15 1510 1520  2023-04-15
GEM Food nedefinit
Yahsat 1A (52.5°E) 11881.00 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 14 1410 1420  2023-04-11
GEM Junior nedefinit
Yahsat 1A (52.5°E) 11881.00 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 23 2310 2320  2023-04-11
GEM Kids nedefinit
Yahsat 1A (52.5°E) 11881.00 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 28 2810 2820  2023-04-11
GEM Kurd nedefinit
Eutelsat 8 West B (8.0°W) 11636.75 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 7 518 710 kur  2020-12-25
GEM Life nedefinit
Yahsat 1A (52.5°E) 11881.00 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 18 1810 1820  2023-04-15
GEM Pixel nedefinit
Yahsat 1A (52.5°E) 11881.00 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 40 4010 4020  2023-04-15
  GEM Series nedefinit
Yahsat 1A (52.5°E) 11881.00 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 21 2110 2120  2023-04-11
GEM Travel nedefinit
Yahsat 1A (52.5°E) 11881.00 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 22 2210 2220  2023-04-11
GEM TV Marea Britanie
Eutelsat 8 West B (8.0°W) 11636.75 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 6 517 700 ara  2020-12-25
Yahsat 1A (52.5°E) 11881.00 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 25 2510 2520  2023-04-11 Marea Britanie
Astra 2G (28.2°E) 11082.25 H 23000 2/3 Necodat 50347 2327 2331 eng  2024-07-25
Genc TV Turcia
Türksat 4A (42.0°E) 11837.00 V 30000 2/3 Necodat 52210 7510 7610 tur  2023-12-01
Genius Plus TV Germania
Astra 1KR (19.2°E) 10773.25 H 22000 3/4 Necodat 21113 3327 3328 ger  2016-01-17
Genius Trend Germania
Astra 1M (19.2°E) 12480.00 V 27500 3/4 Necodat 897 767 768 ger  2021-05-10
Genius TV Italia
Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E) 12111.00 V 31400 2/3 Necodat 7179 630 631 ita  2023-08-09
Genius TV Germany Germania
Astra 1N (19.2°E) 12662.75 H 22000 5/6 Necodat 13110 1110 1111 ger  2024-02-01
GEO Kahani Marea Britanie
Paksat 1R (38.0°E) 3813.00 V 16852 3/5 Conax 1070 103 203  2022-04-14
  Geo ME Pakistan
Paksat 1R (38.0°E) 3813.00 V 16852 3/5 Conax 1100 106 206  2022-04-14
Geo News Pakistan
Astra 2G (28.2°E) 11552.75 H 23000 2/3 Necodat 55119 2359 2362 urd  2024-05-31
Paksat 1R (38.0°E) 3813.00 V 16852 3/5 Necodat 1050 101 201 urd  2021-09-19
  Geo Super Pakistan
Paksat 1R (38.0°E) 3813.00 V 16852 3/5 Conax 1080 104 204 urd  2022-04-16
Geo Tez Pakistan
Paksat 1R (38.0°E) 3813.00 V 16852 3/5 Necodat 1090 105 205  2022-04-14
Geo TV Pakistan
Nilesat 201 (7.0°W) 11881.00 H 30000 3/4 BetaCrypt 1713 2113 2213 eng urd  2018-02-20
Astra 2G (28.2°E) 11567.50 V 22000 5/6 Necodat 54185 2311 2312 urd  2015-08-18
Ghana TV Gana
Eutelsat 36B (36.0°E) 11785.00 H 27500 3/4 Irdeto 2 4006 353 354 eng  2024-07-28
Intelsat 37e (18.0°W) 3990.00 R 9036 5/6 Necodat 301 111 112 eng  2023-08-13
Ghimem TV Mauritania
Badr 8 (26.0°E) 12563.00 V 27500 2/3 Necodat 16 2014 3014 aac ara  2024-05-12
Ghion TV nedefinit
Eutelsat 7 West A (7.0°W) 11449.41 H 27500 2/3 Necodat 110 1101 1102 eng  2024-03-27
Yahsat 1A (52.5°E) 11843.00 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 9 910 920 aac  2024-03-08
Giallo Italia
Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E) 12341.00 V 31400 5/6 Necodat 16 981 982 ita  2022-07-10
Giallo HD Italia
Hot Bird 13F (13.0°E) 11393.44 V 27500 3/4 Conax
Nagravision 3
4322 523 760 ita
761 eng 
Ginx nedefinit
Eutelsat 7 West A (7.0°W) 11526.13 H 27500 5/6 Viaccess 6.0 300 3001 3002 eng
Eutelsat 16A (16.0°E) 10721.00 H 30000 3/5 Conax 1001 1011 1012 eng  2024-03-06
Hot Bird 13G (13.0°E) 11240.00 V 27500 5/6 Viaccess 6.0 100 1001 1002 eng
Ginx HD nedefinit
Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E) 11843.00 V 27500 3/5 VideoGuard 1108 4108 5108 eng  2017-11-23
Giornale Radio Italia
Hot Bird 13G (13.0°E) 12149.00 V 27500 3/4 Necodat 3633   6330 ita  2023-09-11
Global TV Africa
Rascom QAF 1R (3.0°E) 10901.00 H 1500 3/5 Necodat 257 258 257 fra  2023-05-19
Globe TV Ghana Gana
Badr 8 (26.0°E) 12303.00 H 27500 5/6 Necodat 39 3391 3392 eng  2024-07-22
Gloom Mozambic
Eutelsat 3B (3.0°E) 4064.00 L 33900 3/5 Necodat 9 578 834 por  2023-08-14
Intelsat 37e (18.0°W) 4000.00 R 7636 5/6 Necodat 603 131 132 por  2020-11-12
Glorious Times Uganda
Eutelsat 3B (3.0°E) 3914.00 R 13725 3/4 Conax 229 1229 2229 eng  2023-12-17
GMS TV Georgia
Eutelsat 36B (36.0°E) 11650.00 V 10000 3/4 Necodat 10 101 102 geo  2024-02-25
GMTV nedefinit
Intelsat 20 (IS-20) (68.5°E) 12562.00 H 30000 5/6 Necodat 1 769 1025  2024-07-06
GNC nedefinit
Hot Bird 13G (13.0°E) 11137.00 H 27500 3/4 Necodat 7310 3510 3610 eng  2024-07-24
Hot Bird 13G (13.0°E) 10815.00 H 27500 5/6 Necodat 17312 2012 3012 eng  2023-09-11
GNN HD Filipine
Paksat 1R (38.0°E) 4038.00 H 6150 3/4 Necodat 1 33 34 eng  2018-10-13
  Go3 Film HD Estonia
Astra 4A (4.8°E) 11938.00 V 27500 5/6 VideoGuard 10560 5541 5542 aac lit
5543 aac lav
5544 aac est
5545 aac rus 
Go3 Sport 1 HD Suedia
Astra 4A (4.8°E) 11938.00 V 27500 5/6 VideoGuard 10565 5561 5562 aac est
5563 aac lav
5564 aac lit 
  Go3 Sport 2 HD Baltics Estonia
Astra 4A (4.8°E) 11958.00 H 27500 5/6 VideoGuard 10405 5121 5122 aac est
5123 aac lav
5124 aac lit 
  Go3 Sport 3 Estonia
Astra 4A (4.8°E) 11938.00 V 27500 5/6 VideoGuard 10595 5681 5682 aac est
5683 aac lav
5684 aac lit 
  Go3 Sport Open Estonia
Astra 4A (4.8°E) 11958.00 H 27500 5/6 VideoGuard 10370 4981 4982 aac est
4983 aac lav
4984 lit 
Gobx Marhaba Emiratele Arabe Unite
Badr 8 (26.0°E) 12399.00 V 27500 3/4 Irdeto 2 312 412 613 eng  2023-12-01
GOD Africa S.U.A.
Intelsat 20 (IS-20) (68.5°E) 12562.00 H 30000 5/6 Necodat 14 788 1044  2024-04-05
Eutelsat 10B (10.0°E) 3899.00 R 20150 5/6 Necodat 107 1071 1072 eng  2023-08-13
GOD Asia Marea Britanie
Intelsat 17 (66.0°E) 3984.00 H 14400 3/4 Necodat 257 49 52 eng  2024-09-03
GOD Europe Marea Britanie
Hispasat 30W-5 (30.0°W) 10770.00 H 30000 5/6 Necodat 2300 2308 2309 eng  2020-12-12
Astra 4A (4.8°E) 11996.00 H 27500 3/4 Necodat 4060 4061 4062 eng  2012-01-21
GOD U.K. & Ireland Marea Britanie
Astra 2G (28.2°E) 11656.00 V 22000 5/6 Necodat 54054 2315 2316 eng  2024-05-31
  Godare Suedia
Thor 5 (0.8°W) 11341.00 V 25000 3/4 Conax
Nagravision 3
7456 1881 3481 swe  2024-03-04
  Gol Play Spania
Astra 1KR (19.2°E) 11126.50 V 22000 5/6 Mediaguard 2
Nagravision 3
30864 169 127 esp
128 qaa 
GOLD Marea Britanie
Astra 2E (28.2°E) 12129.00 V 27500 5/6 VideoGuard 6504 2327 2331 nar
2329 eng 
GOLD +1 Marea Britanie
Astra 2E (28.2°E) 12129.00 V 27500 5/6 VideoGuard 25101 2361 2360 nar
2359 eng 
  Gold HD Marea Britanie
Astra 2E (28.2°E) 12363.00 V 27500 2/3 VideoGuard 6513 515 643 nar
663 eng 
  Gold HD Albania Albania
Eutelsat 16A (16.0°E) 10845.25 H 30000 3/5 Conax 1001 1011 1012 alb  2021-10-19
  GOLD Ireland Marea Britanie
Astra 2E (28.2°E) 12129.00 V 27500 5/6 VideoGuard 25120 2601 2603 nar
2602 eng 
Gold Star TV nedefinit
TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat (52.0°E) 11344.00 H 27500 2/3 Necodat 18 1801 1802 aac  2024-08-30
TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat (52.0°E) 10804.00 H 27500 2/3 Necodat 18 1801 1802 aac far  2024-08-14
Gold TV Slovenia
Eutelsat 16A (16.0°E) 11637.00 H 30000 5/6 Conax
Irdeto 2
1921 3101 3121 slo  2023-05-01
Gold TV Italia Italia
Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E) 12341.00 V 31400 5/6 Necodat 84 841 842 ita  2022-09-30
Hot Bird 13F (13.0°E) 11642.00 H 27500 3/4 Necodat 1332 2031 2032 ita  2023-09-11
Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E) 12226.00 V 31400 2/3 Necodat 6802 3110 3111 ita  2023-06-30
  Golf Zone Polonia
Hot Bird 13G (13.0°E) 10911.00 V 27500 3/4 Conax
Irdeto 2
Mediaguard 3
Nagravision 3
15907 263 519 pol
775 eng 
Golf+ HD Franța
Astra 1N (19.2°E) 12402.00 V 29700 2/3 Nagravision 3
Viaccess 4.0
8711 1110 1121 fra  2023-09-01
Golica TV Slovenia
Eutelsat 16A (16.0°E) 11231.00 V 42000 5/6 Irdeto 2
760 260 3601 slo  2024-07-28
Gonca TV Turcia
Türksat 4A (42.0°E) 12423.00 V 27500 3/4 Necodat 50110 5110 5210 tur  2021-03-27
  Good News Today India
Intelsat 20 (IS-20) (68.5°E) 4182.00 H 16296 3/4 Irdeto 2 3 514 670 eng
671 eng 
  Good Times HD nedefinit
Eutelsat 16A (16.0°E) 11554.00 V 30000 5/6 Conax 1801 1101 1102 eng  2023-08-21
Gord Afarid TV nedefinit
TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat (52.0°E) 10762.00 V 27500 2/3 Necodat 21 2101 2102 aac  2023-06-09
TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat (52.0°E) 10762.00 V 27500 2/3 Necodat 22 2201 2202 far  2023-08-13
Gordon Live Franța
Hot Bird 13G (13.0°E) 10949.40 V 27500 2/3 Necodat 103 1020 1021 rus  2024-02-12
Gospel TV nedefinit
Express AMU1 (36.0°E) 12304.00 V 27500 3/4 Irdeto 2 20010 513 514  2024-05-10
Gozde TV Turcia
Türksat 4A (42.0°E) 11837.00 V 30000 2/3 Necodat 52207 7507 7607 tur  2023-03-04
  GP 1 Croația
Eutelsat 16A (16.0°E) 11554.00 V 30000 5/6 Conax 1841 5201 5202 cro  2022-05-07
Grace TV nedefinit
Eutelsat 7 West A (7.0°W) 10815.08 H 27500 7/8 Necodat 49 841 1097 ara  2024-08-29
Grand Cinema HD nedefinit
TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat (52.0°E) 10762.00 V 27500 2/3 Necodat 13 1301 1302 aac  2024-03-02
  Grand Nostalgija Serbia
Eutelsat 16A (16.0°E) 11678.00 V 30000 3/4 Irdeto 2
1461 261 3611 ser  2024-06-14
Grand TV Serbia
Eutelsat 16A (16.0°E) 11553.75 H 30000 3/4 Irdeto 2
1766 266 3661 ser  2021-10-02
Granducato TV Italia
Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E) 12226.00 V 31400 2/3 Necodat 5006 2150 2151 ita  2023-06-28
GREAT! Action Marea Britanie
Astra 2F (28.2°E) 11307.00 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 53310 2306 2307 eng  2021-05-25
GREAT! Action +1 Marea Britanie
Astra 2F (28.2°E) 11307.00 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 53365 2319 2320 eng  2021-05-25
GREAT! Movies Marea Britanie
Astra 2F (28.2°E) 11307.00 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 53300 2308 2309 eng  2024-02-08
Astra 2F (28.2°E) 11307.00 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 53315 2349 2350 eng  2021-05-25
GREAT! Movies +1 Marea Britanie
Astra 2F (28.2°E) 11307.00 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 53355 2352 2353 eng  2021-05-25
GREAT! TV Marea Britanie
Astra 2F (28.2°E) 11307.00 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 53375 2341 2342 eng  2021-05-25
Astra 2F (28.2°E) 11307.00 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 53305 2304 2305 eng  2024-02-08
GREAT! TV +1 Marea Britanie
Astra 2F (28.2°E) 11307.00 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 53380 2344 2345 eng  2021-05-25
Great! Xmas Marea Britanie
Astra 2F (28.2°E) 11307.00 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 53320 2313 2314 eng  2024-09-05
Astra 2G (28.2°E) 11225.00 V 23000 2/3 Necodat 53148 2307 2308 eng  2024-09-05
Great! Xmas+1 Marea Britanie
Astra 2F (28.2°E) 11307.00 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 53325 2317 2318 eng  2024-09-05
GRP TV Italia
Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E) 12303.00 V 31400 2/3 Necodat 1011 1400 1401 ita  2023-01-24
GRT TV Turcia
Turksat 3A (42.0°E) 12685.00 V 30000 2/3 Necodat 50831 5831 5931 tur  2023-08-12
Türksat 4A (42.0°E) 12265.00 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 14607 3407 3507 tur  2023-12-03
GRTVIS Bosnia Herzegovina
Eutelsat 16A (16.0°E) 11402.00 V 17500 3/4 Necodat 4019 4145 4147 bos  2024-07-07
Eutelsat 33F (33.0°E) 11444.00 H 17500 3/4 Necodat 4019 4209 4211 bos  2024-08-14
GSN7 TV nedefinit
Eutelsat 8 West B (8.0°W) 12646.00 H 27500 7/8 Necodat 3830 3832 3833 eng  2024-03-23
GT Channel Italia
Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E) 12303.00 V 31400 2/3 Necodat 8040 3590 3591 ita  2023-06-02
Gubernija TV Rusia
Express AM6 (53.0°E) 10974.18 H 4850 3/4 Necodat 1 4194 4195 rus  2024-06-14
Gulf Movies nedefinit
Yahsat 1A (52.5°E) 11843.00 V 27500 5/6 Necodat 10 1010 1020 aac  2024-03-08
Gulli Franța
Hot Bird 13F (13.0°E) 12692.00 H 27500 3/4 Mediaguard 3
Nagravision 3
Viaccess 3.0
Viaccess 4.0
Viaccess 5.0
418 781 782 fra
784 qad 
Gulli HD Franța
Astra 1M (19.2°E) 11895.00 V 29700 2/3 Mediaguard 3
Nagravision 3
Viaccess 3.0
Viaccess 4.0
Viaccess 5.0
8323 2310 2321 fra  2021-12-28
Eutelsat 5 West B (5.0°W) 12648.00 V 29500 8/9 Necodat 518 620 630 fra
631 qaa
632 qad 
Eutelsat 5 West B (5.0°W) 11471.00 V 29950 3/4 Viaccess 4.0 3015 2151 2152 fra
2154 qad 
Guneydogu TV Turcia
Turksat 3A (42.0°E) 12685.00 V 30000 2/3 Necodat 50811 5811 5911 tur  2023-08-12
Gungu TV Mozambic
Intelsat 37e (18.0°W) 4000.00 R 7636 5/6 Necodat 602 121 122 por  2020-11-15
Eutelsat 3B (3.0°E) 4064.00 L 33900 3/5 Necodat 14 547 803  2021-04-05
Gute Laune TV Germania
Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E) 11977.00 H 30000 3/4 Conax 514 1641 1642 ger  2024-08-04

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