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Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E) Transponder IT10

Poziția satelitului pe orbită Satelit Norad .ini News canale Numai gratuite ( FTA) Longitude Declination now Max declination Azimuth Elevation Ultima actualizare
9.0°E Eutelsat 9B 41310 719 496 9.06°E 0.00° 0.03° N/A N/A 2025-03-29 09:23

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45 înregistrări - Sortare după frecvență - Cele mai recente actualizări: CET

Pos Satellite Frequence Pol Txp Beam Standard Modulation SR/FEC Network, bitrate NID TID
9.0°E 7Eutelsat 9B 12466.00VIT10ItalyDVB-S2
PLS: Root+8
Stream 12
41950 NoneRL Valle D'Aosta 1, 24.9 Mb/s 85726369 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
Rete Sette Italia Diverse RETE 7 HD Necodat 1801 1500 1501 ita  201  1500    2024-08-16 +
Canale Italia Italia Teleshopping Canale Italia Necodat 1803 1520 1521 ita  203  1520    2024-08-16 +
Telecity Valle d Aosta Italia Regional In Aria! Necodat 1806 3004 3005 ita  3003  3004    2024-10-05 +
France 24 HD (en Francais) Franța Știri Necodat 1811 1600 1601 fra  212  1600    2024-08-16 +
RTS Un HD Elveția General Necodat 1812 1610 1611 fra  213  1610    2024-08-16 +
TV5 Monde Europe HD Franța General Necodat 1813 1620 1621 fra  214  1620    2024-08-16 +
CANALE ITALIA Canale Italia Necodat 1823 1520 1521  223  1520    2024-08-16
9.0°E 11Eutelsat 9B 12466.00VIT10ItalyDVB-S2
PLS: Root+8
Stream 13
41950 2/3RL Trento 1, 24.9 Mb/s 857210465 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
Trentino TV Italia General Necodat 2801 1900 1901 ita  201  1900    2024-07-28 +
RTTR Italia Regional RTTR OPIM TRENTO Necodat 2802 1910 1911  202  1910    2024-07-28 +
Telepace Trento Italia Religios Telepace_Trento Necodat 2803 1920 1921 ita  203  1920    2024-07-28 +
Telepadova - 7 Gold Italia Regional TELEPADOVA Necodat 2804 1930 1931  204  1930    2024-07-28 +
Telenuovo Italia General TELENUOVO-TN Necodat 2805 1940 1941 ita  205  1940    2024-07-28 +
Antenna Tre Veneto Italia Regional MEDIANORDEST Necodat 2806 1950 1951 ita  206  1950    2024-07-28 +
Telechiara Italia Regional VIDEOMEDIA-TN Necodat 2808 1970 1971 ita  208  1970    2024-07-28 +
Vb33 Italia Divertisment Vb33 Necodat 2809 1000 1001 ita  209  1000    2024-07-28 +
TV7 Triveneta Network Italia Regional Necodat 2810 1990 1991  210  1990    2024-07-28 +
Canale Italia Italia Teleshopping Canale Italia Necodat 2811 1520 1521 ita  211  1520    2024-07-28 +
CANALE ITALIA Canale Italia Necodat 2831 1520 1521  231  1520    2024-07-28
9.0°E 15Eutelsat 9B 12466.00VIT10ItalyDVB-S2
PLS: Root+8
Stream 17
41950 2/3RL Emilia 1, 24.9 Mb/s 857218657 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
TRC Modena Italia Regional M-Three Necodat 4801 1100 1101 ita  201  1100    2024-07-28 +
TRC Bologna Italia Regional M-Three Necodat 4802 1110 1111 ita  202  1110    2024-07-28 +
Telereggio Italia Regional M-Three Necodat 4803 1120 1121 ita  203  1120    2024-07-28 +
TV Parma Italia Regional 12 TV PARMA Necodat 4804 1130 1131 ita  204  1130    2024-07-28 +
Tvqui Italia Regional TvQui Necodat 4805 1140 1141 ita  205  1140    2024-07-28 +
Teleromagna Italia Regional pubblisole Necodat 4806 1150 1151 ita  206  1150    2024-07-28 +
TR 24 Italia Regional PUBBLISOLE Necodat 4807 1160 1161  207  1160    2024-07-28 +
Telestense Italia Regional rei Necodat 4809 1180 1181 ita  209  1180    2024-07-28 +
7G Italia General Sestarete
Rete 8
Necodat 4811 1200 1201  211  1200    2024-07-28 +
Radio Bruno Italia Muzică GLOBAL Necodat 4812 1210 1211 ita  212  1210    2024-07-28 +
Canale Italia Italia Teleshopping Canale Italia Necodat 4813 1820 1821 ita  313  1820    2024-07-28 +
Icaro TV Italia Diverse Icaro TV Necodat 4814 1230 1231 aac  314  1230    2024-07-28 +
VR Italia Diverse GLOBAL Necodat 4815 1240 1241 aac ita  315  1240    2024-07-28 +
E TV Rete 7 Italia Diverse E TV RETE 7 Necodat 4817 1260 1261 eng  217  1260    2024-07-28 +
RADIO STUDIO DELTA RADIO STUDIO DELTA Necodat 4816   1251 ita  216  1251    2024-07-28
9.0°E 12Eutelsat 9B 12466.00VIT10ItalyDVB-S2
PLS: Root+8
Stream 23
41950 2/3RL Marche 1, 24.9 Mb/s 857224801 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
TV Centro Marche Italia Regional Necodat 6001 2500 2501 ita  201  2500    2024-07-28 +
Vera TV Italia Regional In Aria! Necodat 6002 2510 2511 ita  202  2510    2024-07-28 +
ETV Marche Italia Regional e'TV MARCHE Necodat 6003 2520 2521 ita  203  2520    2024-07-28 +
TVRS Italia Regional TVRS Necodat 6004 2530 2531 ita  204  2530    2024-07-28 +
Canale Italia Italia Teleshopping Canale Italia Necodat 6005 1520 1521 ita  205  1520    2024-07-28 +
7 Gold Marche Italia Regional 7 GOLD Necodat 6006 2550 2551 ita  606  2550    2024-07-28 +
Fano TV Italia Italia Regional COELMEDIA Necodat 6007 2560 2561 ita  207  2560    2024-07-28 +
Info 2000 Italia Știri Tele 2000 Necodat 6008 2570 2571 ita  408  2570    2024-07-28 +
Rossini TV Italia Regional ROSSINI Necodat 6009 2580 2581 aac ita  209  2580    2024-07-28 +
RTM Italia Italia General GLOBAL Necodat 6013 2620 2621 aac ita  51  2620    2024-07-28 +
ETV+ Italia Italia Regional ETV+ Necodat 6014 2630 2631 ita  214  2630    2024-07-28 +
CANALE ITALIA extra Canale Italia Necodat 6025 1520 1521  225  1520    2024-07-28

Detailed transponder stream properties (12466.00 V)

SID Ident. PID Format Colorimetry Width Height Aspect Ratio Frame rate
Sampling rate
Bitrate mode Bitrate Scan type Ultima actualizare
6001 2500 AVC 4, High 4:2:0 1920 1080 1.778 25.000 FPS MBAFF 2025-03-31
6001 2501 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 192000 2025-03-31
6002 2510 AVC 4.1, High 4:2:0 1920 1080 1.778 25.000 FPS MBAFF 2025-03-31
6002 2511 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 128000 2025-03-31
6003 2520 AVC 4, High 4:2:0 1440 1080 1.778 25.000 FPS Interlaced 2025-03-31
6003 2521 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 128000 2025-03-31
6004 2530 AVC 4, High 4:2:0 1920 1080 1.778 25.000 FPS Interlaced 2025-03-31
6004 2531 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 96000 2025-03-31
6005 1520 AVC 3, High 4:2:0 720 576 1.818 25.000 FPS Interlaced 2025-03-31
6005 1521 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 128000 2025-03-31
6006 2550 AVC 4, Main 4:2:0 960 1080 1.778 25.000 FPS MBAFF 2025-03-31
6006 2551 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 96000 2025-03-31
6007 2560 AVC 4, High 4:2:0 960 1080 1.778 25.000 FPS CBR MBAFF 2025-03-31
6007 2561 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 128000 2025-03-31
6008 2570 AVC 3.1, High 4:2:0 720 576 1.818 25.000 FPS MBAFF 2025-03-31
6008 2571 AC-32 channels
Front: L R
48000 CBR 128000 2025-03-31
6009 2580 AVC 4, High 4:2:0 1440 1080 1.778 25.000 FPS MBAFF 2025-03-31
6009 2581 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 128000 2025-03-31
6013 2620 AVC 3, Main 4:2:0 720 576 1.818 25.000 FPS Interlaced 2025-03-31
6013 2621 AACADTS2 channels
Front: L R
48000 VBR 2025-03-31
6014 2630 AVC 4, High 4:2:0 960 1080 1.778 25.000 FPS Interlaced 2025-03-31
6014 2631 AACADTS2 channels
Front: L R
48000 VBR 2025-03-31

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