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Intelsat 17 (66.0°E) - Toate transmisiile

Poziția satelitului pe orbită Satelit Norad .ini News canale Numai gratuite ( FTA) Longitude Declination now Max declination Azimuth Elevation Ultima actualizare
66.0°E Intelsat 17 37238 146 131 65.99°E -0.02° 0.02° N/A N/A 2025-02-01 03:59

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164 înregistrări - Sortare după frecvență - Cele mai recente actualizări: 2025-02-01 03:59 CET

Pos Satellite Frequence Pol Txp Beam Standard Modulation SR/FEC Network, bitrate NID TID
66.0°E 4Intelsat 17 3836.00HLM4CHLandmassDVB-S28PSK14870 3/5Intelsat, 355 b/s 11305 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
TV5 Monde Pacifique HD Franța General PowerVu 1034 1234 1334 fra  1134  1234    2024-04-27 +
TV5 Monde Asie Franța General PowerVu 1035 1235 1335 fra  1135  1235    2024-04-27 +
TV5Monde SE Asie HD Franța General PowerVu 1036 1236 1336 fra  1136  1236    2024-04-27 +
TV 5 Monde Style HD Franța General PowerVu 1037 1237 1337 fra  1137  1237    2024-04-27 +
66.0°E 15Intelsat 17 3845.00VLM4CVLandmassDVB-S28PSK28800 5/6{90DDA122-D72A-44F4-8716-F5971397DE05}, 9 kb/s 5112 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
Kalaignar TV India General Harmonic Irdeto 2 1 4102 4103 tam  4100  4101    2024-08-28 +
Seithigal India General Harmonic Irdeto 2 2 4201 4202 tam  4200  4201    2024-08-28 +
Isai Aruvi India General TATA COMMUNICATIONS Irdeto 2 3 4302 4303 tam  4300  4302    2024-08-28 +
Sirippoli India General Harmonic Irdeto 2 4 4402 4403 tam  4400  4402    2024-08-28 +
Chithiram India General Harmonic Necodat 5 4501 4502 tam  4500  4501    2024-08-28 +
Kalaignar Murasu India General Harmonic Irdeto 2 6 4601 4602 tam  4600  4601    2024-08-28 +
Vendhar TV India Diverse Harmonic Necodat 11 5101 5102 eng  5100  5101    2024-08-28 +
News 7 Tamil India Știri Harmonic Necodat 13 1301 1302 eng  1300  1301    2024-08-28 +
Hindu Dharmam India Diverse Harmonic Necodat 18 5801 5802 eng  5800  5801    2024-08-28 +
TV5 Kannada India General Harmonic Necodat 20 6001 6002 eng  6000  6001    2024-08-28 +
MalaiI Murasu Seithikal India Diverse Harmonic Necodat 21 6101 6102 eng  6100  6101    2024-08-28 +
Malar TV India Diverse Harmonic Necodat 22 6201 6202  6200  6201    2024-08-28 +
News J India Știri Harmonic Necodat 24 6401 6402 eng  6400  6401    2024-08-28 +
Sairam TV India Diverse Harmonic Necodat 31 7101 7102  7100  7101    2024-08-28 +
Pyramid Meditation Channel India Diverse Harmonic Necodat 32 7201 7202  7200  7201    2024-08-28 +
66.0°E Intelsat 17 3854.00HLM4CHLandmassDVB-S28PSK14000 3/45 342 b/s 11 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
Transmisii ocazionale, frecvențe inactive sau de date (2022-02-06)
66.0°E 21Intelsat 17 3876.00HLM5CHLandmassDVB-S28PSK14300 3/433.6 kb/s 9999 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
CVR News English India Știri IndiaSign Necodat 1 201 301 tel  51  201    2021-12-17 +
CVR Spiritual OM India Religios IndiaSign Necodat 2 202 302 tel  52  202    2021-12-17 +
Pear TV India Diverse IndiaSign Necodat 3 203 303 tel  53  203    2022-10-30 +
Unique TV (India) India Diverse IndiaSign Necodat 4 204 304  54  204    2022-12-15 +
Mahaa News India Știri IndiaSign Necodat 5 205 305  55  205    2024-09-03 +
Mahaa Max India Divertisment IndiaSign Necodat 6 206 306  56  206    2024-09-20 +
Nireekshana TV India Diverse IndiaSign Necodat 7 207 307 tel  57  207    2021-12-17 +
INDIASIGN TEST 16 IndiaSign Necodat 8 208 308  58  208    2024-06-15
Pasand TV India Diverse IndiaSign Necodat 9 209 309 tel  59  209    2021-12-17 +
INDIASIGN TEST 10 IndiaSign Necodat 10 210 310
60  210    2021-12-17
Da News India Știri IndiaSign Necodat 11 211 311  61  211    2024-06-15 +
Hornbill TV India Diverse IndiaSign Necodat 12 212 312  62  212    2022-01-28 +
INDIASIGN TEST 11 IndiaSign Necodat 13 213 313  63  213    2021-12-17
Mathimugam Tholaikatchi India Divertisment IndiaSign Necodat 14 214 314  64  214    2021-12-17 +
INDIASIGN TEST 12 IndiaSign Necodat 15 215 315 tel
65  215    2021-12-17
INDIASIGN TEST 13 IndiaSign Necodat 16 216 316 hin  66  216    2021-12-17
INDIASIGN TEST 2 IndiaSign Necodat 17 217 317 tel  67  217    2021-12-17
TV 45 India Știri IndiaSign Necodat 18 218 318  68  218    2023-05-27 +
INDIASIGN TEST 14 IndiaSign Necodat 19 219 319
69  219    2021-12-17
INDIASIGN TEST 4 IndiaSign Necodat 20 220 320  70  220    2021-12-17
INDIASIGN TEST 17 IndiaSign Necodat 21 221 321  71  221    2022-10-14
66.0°E Intelsat 17 3885.00VLM5CVLandmassDVB-S28PSK30000 3/4SUN TV NETWORK, 4.4 kb/s 011 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
Transmisii ocazionale, frecvențe inactive sau de date (2024-07-06)
66.0°E 21Intelsat 17 3894.00HLM5CHLandmassDVB-S28PSK13840 5/6334 b/s 99 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
HMTV India Diverse IndiaSign Necodat 1 201 301 tel  51  201    2012-03-13 +
INDIASIGN TEST 5 IndiaSign Necodat 2 202 302  52  202    2021-08-13
Aradana TV India Diverse IndiaSign Necodat 3 203 303 tel  53  203    2012-03-13 +
INDIASIGN TEST 9 IndiaSign Necodat 4 204 304  54  204    2020-12-31
T News India Știri IndiaSign Necodat 5 205 305 hin  55  205    2012-03-13 +
INDIASIGN TEST 8 IndiaSign Necodat 6 206 306  56  206    2020-08-29
MBC TV India General IndiaSign Necodat 7 207 307  57  207    2018-10-10 +
Calvary TV India Diverse IndiaSign Necodat 8 208 308 hin  58  208    2012-03-13 +
Prarthana Bhawan TV India Diverse IndiaSign Necodat 9 209 309 eng  59  209    2012-03-13 +
7 S Music India Muzică IndiaSign Necodat 10 210 310 hin  60  210    2021-12-19 +
Andhra Jyoti India Diverse IndiaSign Necodat 11 211 311  61  211    2018-10-10 +
Mojo TV India Diverse IndiaSign Necodat 12 212 312  62  212    2021-10-02 +
V6 News India Știri IndiaSign Necodat 13 213 313 tel  63  213    2012-03-13 +
CVR News India Știri IndiaSign Necodat 14 214 314  64  214    2018-10-10 +
Mercy TV India India Diverse IndiaSign Necodat 15 215 315  65  215    2020-02-27 +
Orange Bangla India Divertisment IndiaSign Necodat 16 216 316 ben  66  216    2024-08-26 +
CVR Health India Sănătate IndiaSign Necodat 17 217 317  67  217    2018-10-10 +
I News India Știri IndiaSign Necodat 18 218 318  68  218    2018-10-10 +
10 TV India India Diverse IndiaSign Necodat 19 219 319  69  219    2018-11-04 +
INDIASIGN TEST 18 IndiaSign Necodat 20 220 320  70  220    2024-08-18
INDIASIGN TEST 7 IndiaSign Necodat 21 221 321  71  221    2024-08-18
66.0°E 7Intelsat 17 3914.00HLM6CHLandmassDVB-S28PSK11200 3/4{90DDA122-D72A-44F4-8716-F5971397DE05}, 1.3 kb/s 11 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
NDTV 24x7 India Știri NDTV Irdeto 2 1 1160 1120 eng
1140 hin 
81  1160    2024-01-10 +
NDTV India India General NDTV Irdeto 2 2 1260 1220 eng
1240 eng 
82  1260    2024-01-10 +
NDTV Profit India Business NDTV Irdeto 2 3 1360 1320 eng
1340 eng 
83  1360    2024-01-10 +
NDTV Good Times India Divertisment NDTV Irdeto 2 4 1460 1420 eng
1440 eng
1470 eng
1480 eng 
84  1460    2024-01-10 +
0101 NDTV MPCG NDTV Necodat 5 1560 1520 hin  85  1560    2024-05-18
0402 NDTV RAJASTHAN NDTV Necodat 6 1660 1620 hin  86  1660    2024-01-10
NDTV Marathi India General Harmonic Necodat 7 1720 1740 mar  87  1720    2024-04-26 +
66.0°E Intelsat 17 3925.00VLM6CVLandmassDVB-S28PSK30000 3/4SUN TV NETWORK, 34.9 kb/s 01 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
Transmisii ocazionale, frecvențe inactive sau de date (2024-07-06)
66.0°E 7Intelsat 17 3932.00HLM6CHLandmassDVB-S28PSK18330 2/333.1 Mb/s 284 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
Peppers TV India Diverse Indo teleports Necodat 1400 3002 3003 eng  3001  3002    2024-11-08 +
Total TV Info Serbia Prezentări Indo teleports Necodat 1403 3032 3033 hin  3031  3032    2024-11-08 +
Tabbar Hits India Divertisment Indo teleports Necodat 1405 3052 3053 eng  3051  3052    2024-11-08 +
BRK News India Știri Indo teleports Necodat 1407 3072 3073 eng  3071  3072    2024-11-08 +
Chardikla Time TV India Diverse Indo teleports Necodat 1408 3082 3083 eng  3081  3082    2024-11-08 +
Enterr10 Bangla India Diverse Indo teleports Necodat 1411 3112 3113 eng  3111  3112    2024-11-08 +
Dangal Oriya India Diverse Indo Teleport Necodat 1412 3122 3123  3121  3122    2024-11-08 +
66.0°E Intelsat 17 3965.00VLM7CVEMEDVB-S2QPSK12333 3/4Intelsat, 720 b/s 11305 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
Transmisii ocazionale, frecvențe inactive sau de date (2022-05-09)
66.0°E 3Intelsat 17 3966.00HLM7CHLandmassDVB-S28PSK14400 2/327.9 Mb/s 5114 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
Thanthi TV India Diverse Harmonic Necodat 2 6201 6202 eng  6200  6201    2024-02-25 +
News Tamil 24x7 Meiporul Kanbathu Arivu India Știri Harmonic Necodat 12 7201 7202 tam  7200  7201    2024-02-25 +
Thanthi One India Divertisment Harmonic Necodat 13 7301 7302  7300  7301    2024-02-25 +
66.0°E Intelsat 17 3980.00VLM7CVLandmassDVB-S28PSK7200 3/415.7 Mb/s 16418 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
Transmisii ocazionale, frecvențe inactive sau de date (2020-03-31)
66.0°E 22Intelsat 17 3984.00HLM7CHLandmassDVB-S28PSK14400 3/47.6 Mb/s 1101 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
Ch5-VOA 340 Global HD Necodat 5 100 110  7001  100    2024-04-30
VOA HD Indian Ocean S.U.A. Știri Necodat 6 500 501 eng  7002  500    2022-10-15 +
Ch7-VOA_RFA China HD Necodat 7 800 801  7003  800    2024-04-30
Ch8-VOA AFSAT HD Necodat 8 600 601  7004  600    2024-04-30
GOD Asia Marea Britanie Religios Necodat 257 49 52 eng  48  49    2024-11-07 +
Ch9-VOA Urdu (Net-M2) Necodat 9   1922  5172  1922    2024-04-30
Ch10-XmtrNet 1-4 Necodat 10   1620
5120  1620    2024-04-30
Ch11-XmtrNet 5-8 Necodat 11   1630
5121  1630    2024-04-30
Ch12-XmtrNet 9-10, 17-18 Necodat 12   1330
5091  1330    2024-04-30
Ch13-A1:VOA 1; A2:E.Timor & WW Eng Necodat 13   1720
5130  1720    2024-04-30
Ch14-XmtrNet 11-12 Necodat 14   1532  5112  1532    2024-04-30
Ch15-XmtrNet 13-16 Necodat 15   1730
5131  1730    2024-04-30
Ch16-A1:RFA 1; A2:RFA 2 Necodat 16   1820
5140  1820    2024-04-30
Ch17-A1:RFA 3; A2:RFA 4 Necodat 17   1130
5036  1130    2024-07-07
Ch18-VOA Tib, VOA Madag, VOA Asia, RFA Asia Necodat 18   1120
5341  1120    2024-04-30
Ch19-VOA Mongolia Necodat 19   1322  5094  1322    2023-08-25
Ch20-SMG Xmtr Necodat 20   1116 aac  5101  1116    2022-10-15
Ch21-VOA Djibouti MW Necodat 21   1230
5022  1230    2023-08-25
Ch22-VOA Djibouti FM Necodat 22   1422  5103  1422    2023-07-18
Ch23-Deewa TV Audio Necodat 23   2530  5038  2530    2023-03-04
Ch24-Radio Farda Necodat 24   2032  5043  2032    2024-04-30
Ch25-A1:Ashna,A2:Deewa Necodat 25   2132  5154  2132    2024-04-30
66.0°E 15Intelsat 17 4005.00HLM8CHLandmassDVB-S28PSK14400 3/47 kb/s 13 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
Shalom TV India Religios PMSL Necodat 5 1314 1315 eng  1313  1314    2024-03-20 +
Jeevan TV India General PMSL Necodat 6 1570 1571 eng  1569  1570    2024-03-20 +
Media One India Diverse PMSL Necodat 7 1826 1827 eng  1825  1826    2024-03-20 +
Kaumudy TV India Diverse PMSL Necodat 8 2082 2083 eng  2081  2082    2024-03-20 +
Power Vision India Religios PMSL Necodat 10 2594 2595 eng  2593  2594    2024-03-20 +
Sathiyam TV India Diverse PMSL Necodat 11 2850 2851 eng  2849  2850    2024-03-20 +
Harvest TV 24x7 Chri India Știri PMSL Necodat 15 3874 3875 eng  3873  3874    2024-03-20 +
Safari TV India Călătorii PMSL Necodat 19 3378 3379 eng  3377  3378    2024-03-20 +
Darshana TV India Diverse PMSL Necodat 23 2301 2302 eng  2300  2301    2024-03-20 +
R Kannada India General PMSL Necodat 24 2401 2402 eng  2400  2401    2024-03-22 +
Valicham Plus India General PMSL Necodat 26 2601 2602 eng  2600  2601    2024-03-20 +
Studio One + India Diverse PMSL Necodat 29 2901 2902 eng  2900  2901    2024-03-20 +
Vertent SamacharPlus India Diverse PMSL Necodat 39 3901 3902 eng  3900  3901    2024-03-20 +
Reporter TV India Știri Necodat 40 4001 4002 eng  4000  4001    2024-03-20 +
ATE India Diverse Necodat 51 5001 5002 eng  5000  5001    2024-03-20 +
66.0°E 19Intelsat 17 4015.00VLM8CVLandmassDVB-S28PSK30000 3/4{90DDA122-D72A-44F4-8716-F5971397DE05}, 14.3 kb/s 5113 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
Nume Țara Categorie Pachete Encriptare SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Ultima actualizare
Angel TV Singapore Religios Harmonic Necodat 1 101 102 tam  100  101    2023-03-26 +
Madha TV India Diverse Harmonic Necodat 5 501 502  500  501    2023-03-26 +
Makkal TV India Diverse Harmonic Necodat 6 601 602 eng  600  601    2023-03-26 +
Kairali TV India General Harmonic Necodat 7 701 702  700  701    2025-01-26 +
Kairali News India Știri Harmonic Necodat 8 801 802  800  801    2023-03-26 +
We India Diverse Harmonic Necodat 9 901 902 eng  900  901    2023-03-26 +
Moon TV India Diverse Harmonic Necodat 15 1501 1502 tam  1500  1501    2023-03-26 +
Puthiya Thalaimurai India Diverse Harmonic Necodat 16 1601 1602 eng  1600  1601    2023-03-26 +
Sri Sankara India Diverse Harmonic Necodat 17 1701 1702 kan
1703 tam 
1700  1701    2023-09-10 +
Tamilan TV India General Harmonic Necodat 21 2101 2102 eng  2100  2101    2023-03-26 +
Vasanth TV India Diverse Harmonic Necodat 23 2301 2302 eng  2300  2301    2023-03-26 +
Public TV India India Diverse Harmonic Necodat 29 2901 2902 eng  2900  2901    2023-03-26 +
TV 5 News India Știri Harmonic Necodat 32 3201 3202 eng  3200  3201    2023-03-26 +
Public Music India Muzică Harmonic Necodat 40 4001 4002 eng  4000  4001    2023-03-26 +
Kairali Arabia India General Harmonic Necodat 41 4101 4102  4100  4101    2023-03-26 +
Public Movies India Filme Harmonic Necodat 42 4201 4202 eng  4200  4201    2023-03-26 +
Mathrubhumi News India Știri Harmonic Necodat 43 4301 4302  4300  4301    2023-03-26 +
Kappa TV India Diverse Harmonic Necodat 44 4401 4402 eng  4400  4401    2023-03-26 +
Janam TV India Diverse Harmonic Necodat 45 4501 4502 eng  4500  4501    2024-07-03 +
66.0°E 10Intelsat 17 4024.00HLM8CHLandmassDVB-S28PSK14400 2/3Star TV, 7.3 kb/s 16414 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
Star Vijay International India Divertisment STAR Nagravision 3
1917 705 725
750  705    2023-11-22 +
Necodat 1925 2305 2306 eng  2304  2305    2024-03-06
Necodat 1926 2321 2322 eng  2320  2321    2024-03-06
Necodat 1927 2337 2338 eng  2336  2337    2024-03-06
Necodat 1928 2353 2354 eng  2352  2353    2024-03-06
Necodat 1931 2401 2402 eng  2400  2401    2024-03-06
Necodat 1932 2417 2418 eng  2416  2417    2024-03-06
Necodat 1936 2481 2482 eng  2480  2481    2024-03-06
Necodat 1937 2491 2492 eng  2490  2491    2024-03-06
Conax 1938 2501 2502 eng  2500  2501    2025-02-01
66.0°E Intelsat 17 4121.00LG11CLGlobalDVB-S2QPSK7200 3/4 00 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
Transmisii ocazionale, frecvențe inactive sau de date (2018-11-09)
66.0°E Intelsat 17 11000.00VEM4KEMEDVB-SQPSK1000 2/3 11 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
Transmisii ocazionale, frecvențe inactive sau de date (2022-04-03)
66.0°E Intelsat 17 11098.00VEM4KEMEDVB-SQPSK400 3/4 00 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
Transmisii ocazionale, frecvențe inactive sau de date (2022-04-03)
66.0°E Intelsat 17 11108.00VEM4KEMEDVB-SQPSK2000 1/2 1004096 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
Transmisii ocazionale, frecvențe inactive sau de date (2022-04-03)
66.0°E Intelsat 17 11505.00HAF7KAfricaDVB-SQPSK13271 3/4 15 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
Transmisii ocazionale, frecvențe inactive sau de date (2020-12-26)
66.0°E Intelsat 17 11556.00HAF8KAfricaDVB-S2QPSK20129 1/2 00 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
Transmisii ocazionale, frecvențe inactive sau de date (2020-12-26)
66.0°E Intelsat 17 11580.00HRU9KEMEDVB-SQPSK2400 2/3Flycom, 2 949 kb/s 10015 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
Transmisii ocazionale, frecvențe inactive sau de date (2022-09-10)
66.0°E 2Intelsat 17 12537.00HRU1KRussiaDVB-S2QPSK2000 1/21.9 Mb/s 11 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
107.8 CONNECTO.TV Necodat 69   510  1509  510    2024-05-14
Radio Gordost CONNECTO.TV Necodat 415   513 rus  1014  513    2024-05-14
66.0°E Intelsat 17 12546.00HRU1KRussiaDVB-SQPSK1000 1/21.4 Mb/s 655351 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
Transmisii ocazionale, frecvențe inactive sau de date (2024-05-04)
66.0°E Intelsat 17 12553.00HRU1KRussiaDVB-S28PSK5000 3/58 698 kb/s 655351 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
Transmisii ocazionale, frecvențe inactive sau de date (2022-09-10)
66.0°E Intelsat 17 12601.00HRU2KRussiaDVB-S2QPSK2000 5/63 231 kb/s 11 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
Transmisii ocazionale, frecvențe inactive sau de date (2023-02-08)
66.0°E Intelsat 17 12608.00VEM2KEMEDVB-S2QPSK3000 1/2{90DDA122-D72A-44F4-8716-F5971, 2 967 kb/s 105105 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
Transmisii ocazionale, frecvențe inactive sau de date (2021-07-15)
66.0°E Intelsat 17 12624.00HRU2KEMEDVB-SQPSK2356 7/8KATELCO |, 3 800 Kbps 11 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
Transmisii ocazionale, frecvențe inactive sau de date (2017-12-30)
66.0°E Intelsat 17 12648.00HRU2KEMEDVB-SQPSK3900 7/85 482 bps 177176 Cerere de actualizare a listelor KingOfSat
Transmisii ocazionale, frecvențe inactive sau de date (2012-03-13)

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